Dear Members,
The Elections Committee would like to encourage all members to consider acting as a UWOSA representative on one of the following joint UWO/UWOSA Committees:
- Employee Assistance Program: The Employee Assistance Program Committee shall be responsible for: (a) Monitoring the overall effectiveness of the policy and its procedures (b) Monitoring the services provided by the agency under this policy (c) Providing assistance and support in the planning, coordination, presentation and publicity of Employee Assistance Program information and training sessions on a continuing basis (d) Recommending for payment all appropriate expenses and services provided under the Plan, and ensuring that the agency’s services and costs are appropriately audited (e) Recommending the agency with which the University shall contract counselling services in support of the Employee Assistance Program 5.03 Recommendations regarding the foregoing responsibilities will be directed to the Assistant Vice President, Human Resources (MAPP 3.8).
- Parking Appeals Committee: The Parking Appeals Committee is responsible for arriving at objective and fair decisions in regards to infraction appeals. The Term is two years and meets monthly.
- President’s Committee on the Safety of Women on Campus: This committee has adopted the following goals: Monitor the current situation relative to the safety of women on campus; Recommend initiatives which will have a positive impact on the safety of women on campus. These initiatives should focus not only on physical safety issues but on educational projects which address climate issues; Raise awareness in the University community of safety issues specific to women; Encourage and promote the efforts of other community groups in all initiatives to improve the safety of women; Present the Committee’s finding and recommendations to the President of the University and the University community. The Term is two years and meets quarterly.
- Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee: This committee contributes to the health and safety of all members on campus. The Term is two years and meets monthly.
- Western Staff and Leader’s Conference: This committee contributes to the successful planning and promotion of the annual Western Staff and Leaders’ Conference. The Term is two years and meets twice a year during the academic year.
- Environmental and Laboratory Safety Committee: This committee offers information and links of a variety of services to assist in providing a healthy and safe laboratory environment. The Term is two years and meets quarterly.
All committees are for the UWOA two-year term (May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022).
Applications are due April 1, 2020 at 4pm to the UWOSA Office. The UWO/UWOSA Joint Committee election details including the self nomination form can be found on the UWOSA website in the “Members Area” (
Applicants will be required to attend the first Stewards Council meeting of the new Term (May) from Noon to 1 p.m. for a brief presentation and to be acclaimed or voted into a position
If you have any questions, please contact the UWOSA office at
Thank you
Natalie Samuel
Chair, Elections Committee