Negotiations are on the horizon as June 30, 2021 marks the expiry of our current Collective Agreement. The Negotiations Committee/Team have been working hard preparing for the upcoming round of bargaining. If you are wondering how you can get involved to help, please consider joining the Strike Preparedness Committee.
The Strike Preparedness Committee (SPC) is responsible for overall coordination of strike planning and implementation, including the set-up of strike headquarters, and all materials for the picket lines such as signs, cell phones, and refreshments. The SPC develops a communications strategy and coordinates communication including handouts for the picket-line, strike newsletters and bulletins, including the website. The SPC identifies the locations of the picket lines, organizes the schedules for pickets, arranges strike captain and picketer training, monitors the picket lines and provides daily reports to the Chair of the Strike Preparedness Committee.
If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Tiffany Trudgeon or Jen Heidenheim at info@uwosa.ca by 4:00pm on Friday March 26, 2021.
In Solidarity,
Jen Heidenheim
Strike Preparedness Committee Chair