To all UWOSA members,
Save the date! The UWOSA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 26th, 2023, from 12:00-2:00 pm on Zoom.
Please review the UWOSA Videoconferencing Policy prior to attending this meeting.
More information will be provided closer to the meeting date, however, please note the following important information to gain access to the meeting:
- You will be placed into a waiting room upon arrival
- Please ensure your display name for your Zoom account is identical to your first and last name on your Western One card
- Video must remain on throughout the meeting
- All participants are requested to remain muted during the meeting until called upon by the Chair to speak
If you have any questions or require accommodations regarding the UWOSA Videoconferencing Policy, or access to the AGM, please reach out to us at in advance of the meeting so we can provide supports.
As per our Collective Agreement, Article 7.07 (Union Representation), you are entitled to 2 hours without loss of pay or reduction of benefits, to attend this general membership meeting. These 2 hours include your regularly scheduled meal period. This time does not need to be made up.
Looking forward to seeing you there!