Pop in, take a break, say “Hi” to your Executive, Stewards, and Membership Newsletter & Social (MNS) Committee, and fellow UWOSA members. ~ Drop in, no registration required!~ Got a... read more →
UWOSA members have received a special ONE WEEK ONLY invitation to shop at the Columbia Sportswear TENT SALE July 17 - 23, 2023. Bring your invitation flyer and a form... read more →
Pop in, take a break, say “Hi” to your Executive, Stewards, and Membership Newsletter & Social (MNS), Committee team and fellow UWOSA members. ~ Drop in, no registration required!~ Got... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA Member, Our current collective agreement expires next summer (June 30, 2024), so it's time to start getting ready for our next round of negotiations, and we need... read more →
Article 44 - Job Evaluation – Year 2 Triennial Review Please refer to our Collective Agreement Article 44.03 and Schedule B UWOSA Employees within the following Units should have their... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA Member, Our current collective agreement expires next summer (June 30, 2024), so it's time to start getting ready for our next round of negotiations, and we need... read more →
Please note that UWOSA emails (@uwosa.ca) will be experiencing a service disruption June 7 - June 9. We are transitioning to a new provider to improve the service quality of... read more →
UWOSA members are invited to shop at the Columbia Sportswear warehouse May 19 - June 11, 2023 (closed May 22 for Victoria Day). Bring your invitation flyer and a form... read more →
Thank you everyone who attended UWOSA's Winter Annual Luncheon! It was a great opportunity for our members to connect and socialize. We hope those who attended enjoyed their experience. We... read more →
UWOSA members are invited to shop at the Columbia Sportswear warehouse February 17 - March 12, 2023 (closed February 20 for Family Day). Bring your invitation flyer and a form... read more →