Message from the Negotiations Committee November 10, 2020 Dear UWOSA Member, The final year of our current Collective Agreement has arrived, and our Negotiations Committee requests your input to form... read more →
Our annual Holiday Sale starts TOMORROW, Friday, November 6th. Receive 20% off select doorbusters, 10% off everything else plus a chance to win $50 Columbia Gift Card in one of... read more →
Have you ever been asked to demonstrate your computer skills as part of the interview process? Then you are probably familiar with ProveIt software. Western's Human Resources unit has notified... read more →
To all UWOSA members, Save the date! The UWOSA General Meeting will be held on Tuesday December 15th from 12:00-2:00 pm via UWOSA's Zoom Account. Please review the UWOSA Videoconferencing... read more →
Our Union's Fall newsletter is now available in the Member Area of our website.
Our Union's Summer newsletter is now available in the Member Area of our website.
Celebrate with us! Union Savings is celebrating its 30th Anniversary of providing discounts and cost-savings services to over 120 unions and almost 2 million union members across Canada! We are... read more →
Our Union's Spring newsletter is now available in the Member Area of our website.
Dear Members, The Elections Committee would like to encourage all members to consider acting as a UWOSA representative on one of the following joint UWO/UWOSA Committees: Employee Assistance Program: The... read more →
Following are the officers acclaimed for the 2020 -2022 electoral year: Executive President: Nikki Grozelle Vice-President: Tiffany Trudgeon Chief Steward: Meg Perinpanayagam Membership Services Officer: Jennifer Heidenheim Secretary: James Taron... read more →