UWOSA has filed for Conciliation with the Ministry of Labour on June 30, 2021. To learn more please CLICK HERE
Further to the latest June 11, 2021 Coronavirus website update to the campus community: https://www.uwo.ca/coronavirus/updates/june11-2021.html As the campus community now prepares for a full return to in-person classes this fall,... read more →
Negotiations are on the horizon as June 30, 2021 marks the expiry of our current Collective Agreement. The Negotiations Committee/Team have been working hard preparing for the upcoming round of... read more →
The election for Western's Board of Governors is currently taking place online. Ballots may be cast until 8PM on Wednesday, February 10th by visiting https://westernuniversitysecretariat.simplyvoting.com/. In deciding who to vote... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA member, Thank you for those who reached out to the office concerning family obligations and work responsibilities during the current province-wide lockdown. UWOSA has been advised by... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA Members, Our Collective Agreement is still in full force during this pandemic. As of June 1, the University continues to change the landscape of UWOSA work, and... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA Members, As incoming President, I am proud and honoured by the opportunity to lead us through this period of change and uncertainty. I am committed to proudly... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA member, First and foremost, a big thank you to all UWOSA members for proving how resilient we are and how we are working together to rise above... read more →
Our Fellow UWOSA Members, Based on Doug Ford’s provincial order https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/03/ontario-orders-the-mandatory-closure-of-all-non-essential-workplaces-to-fight-spread-of-covid-19.html and President Shepard’s announcement on the Western website https://www.uwo.ca/coronavirus/updates/latest.html, to move to an essential services model, the UWOSA office... read more →
Dear Fellow UWOSA member, The UWOSA office and our Executive Officers continue to stay in regular contact with you, our members. We will support members primarily through email and phone... read more →