Please refer to our Collective Agreement Article 44.03 (page 90) and Schedule B (page 187)
The Triennial Review process is outlined within 44.03 of our Collective Agreement and states that each Dean, Budget Unit Head or designated supervisor must complete a review of the existing job description for each position reporting to her to confirm the actual content and responsibility of the position at least once every three years as listed on the Review Schedule outline in Schedule B. This review shall be submitted to the incumbent employee who shall be given the opportunity to add her comments. The process and timeline for such review is subject to Article 44.04.
Important points about the process:
- Any change in duties that are significant and permanent should be added
- Your PDQ must be reviewed, updated (where/if necessary), and signed by 3 parties: incumbent employee, designated supervisor, and Dean, Budget Unit Head or Designate
- You are entitled to up to 2 hours during work time to complete the review – you do not have to make up this time
- You are encouraged to add your comments to the document.
- The Dean, Budget Unit Head or designate shall either agree and sign or amend and sign, after which they will forward the PDQ for evaluation to Human Resources within 30 days, with a copy of the (signed) PDQ given to the incumbent employee, which will include any comments added by the incumbent employee. Please ensure you receive this copy for your records.
- Any salary change resulting from a reclassification will be retroactive to the first of the month following the date that the PDQ is date stamped by the Dean, Budget Unit Head or designate.
It is very important that your PDQ accurately reflects the work being performed for the position. We have heard of supervisors saying ‘not to include so many details’. It is important to include details that would provide an accurate description of the work being performed. We encourage you to reference Schedule A when reviewing your PDQ. Schedule A outlines the factors and subfactors that are used to determine the levels, which ultimately determine the points, you receive in each area. There are very clear descriptions for what each subfactor is measuring. We encourage you to read this to provide you with a greater understanding of how the criteria is weighted and to help ensure you are providing the most appropriate examples for each factor.
Another helpful resource is the job profiles, which can be found at the following link: Scroll down to the bottom, and click the Job Evaluation (JES) transition link. You will then need to sign in using your Western credentials, but will now be able to access the Job Profiles. We encourage you to use this as another resource for better understanding the types of duties/responsibilities between similar positions, but of different classifications.
Finally, UWOSA has worked very hard to obtain the language of Article 44(Job Evaluation) and 56 (Pay Equity). Many members suffered a loss of compensation due to the delay in leaders completing and signing the PDQ documents. By now, the excuse of ‘I didn’t know’ can no longer be used. Year 1 reviews must be submitted by June 30, 2019. If you fall into one of the units listed below and have not yet began the review process, please reach out to your supervisor and ask for your Triennial review to be initiated. Please reach out to our office if you are having any problems in this regard. Any year 1 PDQs that are not completed by the deadline, UWOSA will be filing grievances on our member’s behalf to ensure the process is respected and adhered to. Please reach out to the office if you require supports or clarification regarding the process – we are happy to help.
In Solidarity,
Nikki Grozelle
Chief Steward
Schedule B:
Year 1 runs from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.
The following units are included in year 1:
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering
- School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- Student Experience
- Western Technology Services
- Advancement Services
- Animal Care
- Housing
- Student Health Services
- Research and Development Services & WORLDiscoveries
- Western International