The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, from Noon until 2:00 p.m. in Room 2050 Social Sciences Center.
Please bring your Western ID card to gain admittance to the meeting.
Per our Collective Agreement, Article 7.07 (Union Representation), you are entitled to 2 hours without loss of pay or reduction of benefits, to attend this general membership meeting. These 2 hours include your regularly scheduled meal period. In addition, if you work away from main campus, you are entitled to up to one hour of additional time for travel. This time does not need to be made up.
In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws, the agenda will be as follows:
1. Approval of the Agenda
2. Approval of the Minutes: General Meeting held December 11, 2018*
3. Business Arising out of the Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. Report of the Treasurer: 2019 – 2020 fiscal year budget**
6. Report of Chief Steward
7. Reports of Standing Committees
8. Reports of Special Committees
9. Any Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings
10. New Business
11. Adjournment
*You must sign in to view the Member Area, to read the General Meeting minutes
**The 2019-2020 fiscal year budget and justification will be available in the UWOSA office (please call Mia at ext. 85089 first) to review prior to the AGM