Article 44 – Job Evaluation – Year 2 Triennial Review
Please refer to our Collective Agreement Article 44.03 and Schedule B
UWOSA Employees within the following Units should have their PDQs submitted to HR by June 30, 2023 for their Year 2 Triennial Review (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023):
Year | Academic Units | Support Units |
2 | Faculty of Social Science Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Continuing Studies at Western Faculty of Information and Media Studies | Western Libraries Bookstore & Graphic Services Facilities Management & Parking Office of the Registrar Campus and Community Police Teaching Support Centre |
Please refer to our Collective Agreement Article 44: Job Evaluation
The process for such review and timeline for completion will be subject to Article 44.03 which states, “Each Dean, Budget Unit Head or designated supervisor shall complete a review of the existing job description for each position reporting to her to confirm the actual content and responsibility of the position at least once every three years as listed on the Review Schedule outline in Schedule B. This review shall be submitted to the incumbent employee who shall be given the opportunity to add her comments”.
Each UWOSA member whose PDQ is under review is entitled to up to two hours paid time to review the PDQ during regular hours in their workspace. The Dean, Budget Unit Head or designate will either agree with and sign the PDQ, or amend the PDQ as she sees fit and sign it. The Dean, Budget Unit Head or designate shall forward the PDQ for evaluation to Human Resources within thirty (30) days, with a copy of the PDQ given to the incumbent employee, which will include any comments added by the incumbent employee. (Art. 44.04).
Human Resources shall evaluate the position based on the job evaluation system developed by Western and UWOSA. This evaluation, including the notes from the evaluation, the rate of pay recommended, and any retroactive pay applicable, and determination of job class shall be communicated in writing to the Dean, Budget Unit Head or designated supervisor and to the employee within thirty (30) days of receipt of the signed PDQ. This decision shall state the deadline for and manner of appeal (Art 44.06).
Check Out: Helpful Tips to Complete the Triennial Review.
Check Out: Western’s JES website, including a helpful FAQ section.
UWOSA worked very hard to obtain the language of Article 44 (Job Evaluation) and 56 (Pay Equity) during the round of collective bargaining in 2017.
Reviews of PDQs should be well underway and submitted by June 30, 2023. If you fall into one of the units listed above and have not yet received your PDQ for review, please start by asking your supervisor. Next step is to reach out to Western’s Human Resources department by contacting Sandy Del Vasto, Human Resources Consultant at or call extension 85575.
Please reach out to our office if you are having any problems, require supports or clarification regarding the process – we are happy to help.